Covid-19: We have strict protocols in place to ensure your safety. Learn more.

A tailor-made method

You are unique, so is our method
nos séances de pilates dans l'atmosphère privée et détendue de votre domicile


You choose the location of your Pilates sessions : At your home, at the office, a holiday home or hotel; our trained instructors will come to you.

All you need is a comfortable outfit and an exercise mat; our instructors will provide the necessary equipment needed for your session.

Needs Analysis

A one-on-one chat with your personal coach to discuss your exercise health history, talk about your daily habits, and identify your needs and goals to ensure you get the very best results from your Pilates exercise programme. Pour nous, chaque client est unique, chaque séance doit donc l’être aussi !

nous échangeons sur vos attentes
des séances de pilates avec une étude posturale

Postural Assessment

Performed by your coach, is an assessment of your body as a whole through a series of movements. The assessment will help us to understand how your body is moving and functioning, and to identify any irregularities in your alignment.


The pace at which we move towards achieving your goals is entirely based upon your physical abilities and state of health.

I’m keen to get started

votre séance de pilates adaptée aux niveaux débutants, intermédiaires et avancés

Exclusive Sessions

Our qualities that make your sessions unique


for movement, anatomy, the mind-body connection and well-being.


achieving your objectives through education and motivation, while taking into account your posture, pathologies, or muscle imbalances.


of our Instructors in your personal environment to take full advantage of each session


of movements to be executed with precision: the key to achieving your objective!


which we will establish with you session after session, as the human being is at the heart of our activity.

« Not the body or the mind,
but the body and the mind »

Joseph Pilates

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